
Kamis, 23 April 2015

Melengkapi kalimat menggunakan, have to, has to, atau had to

8. Erica can’t home to class tomorrow because she has to hospital
9. I need a car because I have to school
10. When I worked in my uncle’s restaurant I had to persistent
11. If you want to enter the university, I have to learn
12. We wanted to go on a picnic yesterday, but we couldn’t because I had to hospital

13. I wanted to go on a picnic yesterday, but I had to school instead

Perbedaan Will dan Would sebagai Posibility

will willingness to express willingness can be expressed in a conditional sentence type 1 or invitation.
example: Will you marry me?
would be used to express willingness, but more polite
example: Would you like to see my craft?