
Jumat, 03 Juli 2015

Tugas Softskill

Please fill the blank with possible preposition
1.       If they moved into an expensive apartment, they’ve become very snobbish.
2.      He’s frequently absent in the class that indicates his lack of interest in school.
3.      When an individual or a company borrows money to the blank, this money must be paid back for a specific date.
4.      The production of pianos falls sharply in wartime.
5.      The usefulness of water is absolutely important for us.

Complete the sentences by using simple past or past progressive
1.      I (drive) I was driving in England when I suddenly (realize) realized I was on the wrong side of the road.
2.      While I (work) I was working at the restaurant, a customer (offer) offered me a job as a model.
3.      When I (graduate) I was graduaded from drama school, I (move) moved to Los Angeles.
4.      We (live) were living in a tiny apartment when our first child (be) were born.

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